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You may know, but the edible pen was already invented?

Views: 14    

      The trust will be very many human to have nips writing skill this bad custom.

But we use the ordinary pen, cannot after all edible, will sometimes not note will also swallow the words between lips. In view of this kind of situation, some people invented one kind to be possible the edible pen.

Wuhan branch hundred million China science and technology Limited company

Because Egypt Huo Wen designs institute's student Dai Wuhan to be willing Si only to be at first wants to make a convenience mastication, and the hygienic writing skill, afterward he detected 90% pens after the printing ink uses up is discarded by the people, therefore he wants to study one section to be possible by the completely edible pen.

When starts, he has collected many type pens, how studies to cause it to gnaw well. Afterward, he has made 3 different models, then he began to test the different type candy, the intention has discovered the best taste. After screens many times, he has made a peppermint taste final model.

Wuhan branch hundred million China science and technology Limited company

He uses the candy cannot stick on other objects, also not melts (this because of the hand perspiration or the hand temperature to come from candy necklace's muse). The pen body has been divided into 22 parts, this may let you gnaw is more comfortable. In the pencil lead uses is may the edible printing ink! Looks like may the edible printing ink application be getting more and more broad, but the edible printing ink, will be the printing ink future.

But it cannot edible be its pen tip only. If you before the printing ink exhausted has eaten to eat all one's food the pen body, then you might also trade into the pen tip in other edible pens, continued to use.

Certainly, this section of edible pen also occupies the design phase of exploitation now, the Chinese is willing Si to step up to improve his plan. However believed that soon after we will see a manpower such edible pen, anticipation?

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