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Ice-cream Printing Solution



Edible ink with natural ingredients has become the first choice of domestic and foreign food enterprises, coffee, CMYK and other natural ingredients ink has been successfully developed. For all kinds of ice cream, in addition to the use of materials and taste of innovation, brand marketing and appearance upgrade is also an essential part of the ice cream enterprises. The application of food digital printing in ice cream can mass produce creative and interesting ice cream. For ice cream suppliers of different sizes, from large factories to small ice cream stores, we have edible printing solutions to help customers create creative ice cream and increase sales.


Type of applicable pastry:

Sliced ice cream, cup ice cream, bucket ice cream, ice cream cone, ice cream decorated cookies, frozen dumplings and other frozen products.


How to combine with the food digital printing technology and your pastry product?

1. Your food can be printed with holiday themes to promote sales in festivals to add creativity and fun into celebrating activities; 

2. If your food are a kind of local special snack or saled in themed park, it can be printed with some local scenic spot icons or theme sign pictures. That will attract waves of visitors to taste and buy it for gift; 

3. Food Products can be printed with cute cartoon pictures to decorate and beautify the originally common appearances. Your food will be unique and personalized; 

4. Your products can be printed with the wedding element patterns or blessings, exclusively supplied for the all kinds of wedding celebrating activities; 

5. Your food can be printed your company brand elements to strenthen branding impression; 

6. The different flavors food can be printed with different mark images for identitying the flavors and decorating.




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   +86-(0)27-87635568
    No.1906,#9, Guanggu International Headquarter, No. 62, Guanggu Ave., Wuhan, Hubei, China
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